Visitors to Canada Insurance - Updated Feb 1, 2025
Canada boasts a world-class healthcare system. However, non-residents will face significant medical costs if they require treatment. Emergency travel medical insurance ensures that visitors can access quality emergency healthcare and protect themselves from the high cost of healthcare in Canada.
Visitors to Canada insurance covers a wide range of unexpected emergency medical situations, such as doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription medications, and emergency medical evacuation when deemed medically necessary. Whether a visitor is on a short vacation, an extended stay, or visiting family, Goose insurance plans may be purchased for the duration and purpose of the trip.
Who is this coverage for and what does it do?
- This policy is for Temporary visitors to Canada, individuals in Canada under a valid work or student visa, returning Canadians or immigrants not eligible for benefits under a government health insurance plan who are between 15 days and 84 years of age.
- The policy should be purchased before the visitor arrives in Canada, though it may be possible to buy a policy after arrival as well.
- Applicants must be in good health, not experiencing any new or undiagnosed symptoms or know of any reason to seek medical attention or currently in the hospital or undergoing treatment. Please see the policy wordings or contact us for full eligibility requirements.
For how long can we buy coverage?
Any trip duration up to one year can be purchased with our flexible Visitors to Canada plan. Extensions may be available upon request as well, provided the applicants continue to meet eligibility requirements.
Are pre-existing conditions covered?
For policies purchased from February 1, 2025 onwards, pre-existing conditions are not covered by our basic Visitors to Canada insurance.
However, if the optional Pre-Existing Condition rider is purchased, the following applies:
- For applicants under age 65, certain pre-existing conditions may be covered in the event of an emergency (such as high blood pressure or diabetes, for example) if they have been stable* for at least 90 days before the effective date of the policy;
- For visitors aged 65-84, any sickness, injury or medical condition must be stable* for 180 days before the effective date in order to be coverable under this policy.
- Some conditions are completely excluded from coverage, such as routine pre-natal care in the 9 weeks within your due date, regular care of ongoing chronic conditions, or cancer undergoing treatment, to name just a few - please see page 8-9 of the policy wordings for complete details).
What if we need to cancel?
- If you request cancellation in the 10 days from the application date or prior to the effective date, a full refund is available if no travel has taken place and if the visitors are not already in Canada.
- If cancellation is requested before the policy becomes effective, but after the 10-day free-look period, a full refund is available less a $25 Administration fee.
- If you have to return to your home country of origin and request cancellation, or if you become eligible for coverage under a government health insurance plan during the coverage period, a partial refund of premium may be available if there have been no claims incurred.
- If a claim has been made, no refund of premium is available, even if the visitor has returned to their country of origin.
What if the dates change?
Just let us know! We can adjust dates easily before they arrive, or provide extensions of coverage if needed (if applicants remain eligible).
Is there a waiting period before coverage starts?
If this Visitors to Canada policy is purchased after the traveller has already arrived in the country, varying waiting periods may apply.
- No coverage for sickness will apply for the first 48 hours of the policy period if the traveller has been in Canada for 30 days or less.
- If they've been here for more than 30 days, there is a 5-day waiting period following the effective date of the policy.
Do you pay hospitals directly or do we have to submit a claim for reimbursement of expenses?
Whenever possible and for eligible services according to the policy terms, our Claims Administrator will instruct the hospital or clinic to bill us directly.
Is there a deductible?
There is no deductible with this policy.
Can I pay monthly?
No, payment for the VTC policy must be made in full by debit or credit card when the insurance is purchased.
Will coverage apply if we want to take a short trip outside Canada?
Yes, the policy will provide emergency travel medical coverage for short trips outside Canada. A minimum of 50% of your coverage period must be spent in Canada and time spent outside of Canada is limited to a maximum of 31 days per visit outside Canada. There is no coverage while in your country of origin.
*Stable means any medical condition (whether or not the diagnosis has been determined) for which there has been:
- no hospitalization; and
- no new diagnosis, treatment, or prescribed medication; and
- no change* in treatment or medication; and
- no new, more frequent, or more severe symptoms; and
- no new test results showing deterioration; and
- no referral to a specialist (made or recommended), and you are not awaiting surgery, or the results of further investigations performed by any medical professional.
*Change includes any new treatment or medication, stopped treatment or medication, increase, or decrease in treatment or medication but does not include transition between generic and brand-name versions of drugs with the same active ingredient and dosage or the routine adjustment of dosage within prescribed parameters when you are taking insulin or oral diabetes medication.
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